Overview of the Client Portal
This tutorial provides an overview of the client portal, highlighting its features and functionalities.
This is the Dashboard of the client portal, which you can customize to suit your preferences.
On the dashboard, you can view important information at a glance. You have the ability to pin your most frequently accessed podcasts, while recently visited podcasts will be displayed in their own section. Current notifications can be found on the right side, and there is a dedicated area for project-specific to-dos, as well as a calendar at the bottom to help you keep track of project due dates.

Moving across the top, you will find the Projects page, which allows you to view projects in several formats, including the Calendar view.

In the Calendar view, you will see when each project is due; it will list the due date as the day prior to the actual publication date.

Next, the Tasks page displays the projects you are involved in, where you can explore specific tasks, see who they are assigned to, and check their statuses. You can also click through to obtain more details on each task, including the due dates.

The Podcasts page provides a complete view of all the podcasts you have access to. Here, you can click on a podcast to gain more insights, including team members involved, recent activity, and a calendar overview of tasks associated with that podcast.
Keep in mind that your access to certain projects may vary depending on your membership status within those projects.

If you encounter an error when trying to access a project, it typically indicates that you do not have the necessary permissions to view it. Make sure you are listed as a member of the specific project to gain access.

Additionally, the Files section offers a structured file management system for each podcast you have access to. Here, you will find global assets, final files, and raw files necessary for each podcast.

When clients upload new files, the system automatically generates both raw and final files for each episode, ensuring you do not need to create these folders yourself.

The Activity section displays all activities related to the podcasts and projects you have access to, allowing for a comprehensive view of your engagements.

On the top right corner, you can access your notifications, search the portal using the magnifying glass icon, and click the cog icon to update your personal profile.

Lastly, you can easily return to the dashboard, log out, or access training and support resources via the life preserver icon located at the bottom of every page.
By following this guide, you should now have a clearer understanding of how to navigate and leverage the various features of the client portal.