Working on a Project in the Portal
This tutorial will guide you through the process of working on a project in the portal, using an example project, Mouse House Weekly Episode 215, to illustrate key steps.
Begin by clicking on the project Mouse House Weekly Episode 215. This action will take you to the project's page.
On the left-hand panel, you can view all the participants involved with this project.
At the top of the page, you will see the Start Date, which typically reflects when the client provided the raw files, and the Publication Date, which indicates when the project will be published.
If the client has provided any special instructions, they may enter those when submitting the project. You can find these instructions displayed in the middle of the project page.
To the right, you will find the tasks associated with this project, including the assignee for each task, the due dates, and the current status of the tasks.
At the bottom of the page, you will find two project folders: the Raw Files folder, which contains all raw files given by the client, and the Final Files folder, where completed files should be stored.
To download a file, you can either click on the file to open it or click the download icon found at the far right edge.
Next, navigate to the Final Files folder. Here, you will see files already completed by other team members that you may need to complete your task.
Once you have completed your task, navigate back to the Final Files folder to upload your files. Drag and drop your completed files into the folder; it will take a moment for the file to upload.
After the file has been uploaded, click on it to leave a comment. You can tag the client and the project manager to notify them that the file is ready for review.
Additionally, go back to the project page and open your specific task. In the top right corner, click the Edit Task button. Then, expand the status section and change the status to Completed, followed by selecting Save.
By following these steps, you will effectively manage tasks and files within your project in the portal, ensuring smooth collaboration and communication with your team.