Adding a New Podcast to the Portal


This tutorial will demonstrate how to add a new podcast to the portal for an existing client or company.


This video will show you how to add a new podcast to the portal. Bear in mind that this is for adding a podcast to a client or company that already exists. They either need to have a company already in place, or you're adding an additional podcast to a client that already has a podcast with us. So this is for a client that already has a podcast with us. With that in mind, let's look at how to add a podcast. First, navigate to the top navigation and click on Podcasts. Then go over to the right hand side of the page and click Add New Podcast. Now, it's simply a matter of filling out this form. Let's start here at the top. We're going to drag in some artwork that the client gave us into the podcast image area. Drag the artwork into the podcast image area. Then let's give the podcast a name. Let's call this one DuckTales Tales. For company, we're going to actually choose the client. Bad Robot is not the right client for this. We're going to choose Darkwing Enterprises. It's the name of the company that already exists. Now we need to choose their publishing frequency. Choose their publishing frequency. In this case, we're going to stick with weekly. Let's say they publish on Wednesdays. Now this publishing notes here is a spot where you can put in information such as their username and password. You can also add things like 'publish to Libsyn'. We'll see where that shows up here momentarily. We can't put any podcast members here. This is not where you add members. This is where it will display podcast members. We'll get back to that momentarily. And then we want to select the client. In this case, it has detected who we have as a company. It knows which contacts or which client names are associated with that company. And so Drake Mallard is our option. If there were other associates as well, we could add those too. And then we have our tags. In this case, these are going to represent the services that they have selected. Pro Audio Editing, Show Notes, and Image Pack. All right, and all the rest of this information is optional. We can select Save. Okay, we see our podcast has been created. The information that we put in for notes is now showing up right here. The frequency and days are displayed as well. We have the contact name. The services we selected are showing up with those tags that we put in. Let's go to the podcasts page. You can see that DuckTales Tales is showing up right here with our other podcasts. Now, we still need to get team members associated with this podcast. For that, we're going to go over to the CRM. Go to team members. Now we can associate team members with this podcast. Remember, they chose pro editing, show notes and image pack. Let's have Chris be the editor for this. Go down here to the associated podcast. Choose DuckTales Tales. Back over to team members, let's get a project manager set up. For this, let's go ahead and choose Brittany. Edit her profile. Add this podcast to her associated podcasts. And we also need an image person. Let's get Karen's help for that. Add this podcast to Karen. And that's it. Now we have finished setting up a new podcast. If we navigate back here, you can see that our team members have been added to the podcast. If we go to the company, Darkwing Enterprises. You'll see they now have two podcasts associated with their account. If we go in here to edit DuckTales Tales. You can now see that podcast members are showing up where previously nothing was selectable there. So now we've finished setting up a new podcast.