Working on a Project in the Portal


This tutorial will guide you through the process of working on a project in the portal, using an example project, Mouse House Weekly Episode 215, to illustrate key steps.


Okay, let's take a look at how to work a project here on the portal. For this example, we're going to take a look at Mouse House Weekly Episode 215, the History of Space Mountain. So click on that project. This will take us into the project page. Here on the left hand panel, we can see who all is a part of this particular project. And then working across the top of the page here, you. You can see the start date, which is typically the date that the client gave us, the raw files for this project. And the publication date, which of course is the date that this project will be published. If the client gave us any special instructions, there are two ways to do that. One is they can type those in when they submit the project. If they choose that option, you'll see those right here in the middle. We'll take a look at the second. Wait here in just a minute. And then over here to the right, you'll see the tasks associated with this project. You'll see who each task is assigned to. And you'll see what the due date is for each of those tasks. And then of course, on the far right side, we see the current status for each of those tasks. And then across the bottom, we'll have two project folders, the RAW Files folder. And the Final Files folder. The RAW Files is where you can find all of the RAW files that the client gave to us when they submitted the project. Let's take a look there. So clicking through and then opening this up. We can see all of the files that the client gave us, including in this case, some Editing notes. This is the second way that a client can give us Editing notes on an episode. To download an episode, or to download a file rather. You can click on the file. That'll open it up where you can then download that file. Or if we go back here to the file manager, you can see on the far right edge. We have a download icon here. You can click that to download the file that way. Now let's go back to the project and take a look at the Final Files folder. This is where you will put your files once you've completed those. Or maybe you need a final file in order to do your task. For example, a Show Notes writer is going to need the final version of the audio in order to do the Show Notes. So you can go to the Final Files folder, expand the folder. There you'll see the file that you need to be able to complete your task. Okay, so now let's take a look at how to actually work this project. I'm going to pretend that I'm doing the audiogram for this project and I've just completed that part of the process. So there's two things I need to do. First, let's go into the final files folder. And here we can drag in the file that I have completed for this project. You'll see the upload status there, and then once it's completed. You'll see the notification that the file has uploaded. And then if we refresh the page, you'll see that the file is now inside the folder. Before we go from this page, let's click on the file. And here we can leave a comment. We can tag the client and the project manager. And let them know that the file is there. And then they will be notified that you've left your comment that the file is now ready for them. If we go back to the project page here, the other thing you'll need to do is go to your task. And click on it to open it up. And then in the top right hand corner you'll see the Edit task button. Click that. And then in the bottom left you'll see the status section. Click that to expand it and now change the status to Completed. And select Save. And now if we go back to the project page, you'll see that the task that you've completed. Has been marked as complete and you're all set.